When your boss poses the question: “Let’s find a sustainable solution for welcoming guests instead of leaving something on the stack of towels that simply wilts and dies”, You think – why didn’t I ever question this …

Our creative team came up with a solution over night that got all of us excited – we now leave a Spekboom cutting with note including planting instructions as part of our welcome gift – from our garden to yours.

Since we rolled the concept out to all our properties in the OENA group – others have followed and we welcome this whole heartedly.

Our proud moment is that we were the first and imitation is the best form of flattery – and in this case we are all working towards the greater good for our planet.

So why Spekboom (also called Elephants food)? Because it has an exceptional ability to remove large amounts of carbon dioxide from the air and convert it to oxygen.
Did you know that one hectare of Spekboom can average 4.2 tons of carbon dioxide annually to oxygen?
In this respect it is up to 10 times more effective per hectare than a tropical rainforest. Isn’t that astounding!

Best of all is the fact that the Spekboom is easy to propagate: simply stick your cutting in a garden bed, water every few days and soon enough you will have one of these versatile carbon-munchers happily growing in your garden.

Spekboom leaves also tastes great in salad.
I would never have tried spekboom in salads.Thanks for the suggestion!