#5 Top Tips for travelling with kids

Sep 16, 2019

We know how daunting it can be to pack, plan and execute a family holiday without any hiccups. Therefore we have put together this handy list of our top 5 tips for parents travelling with kids of all ages.

Picture shot on location: Country Paradise House, Swellendam

#1 Easy does it

Be flexible and leave enough time for check  ins, boarding and getting to activities and destinations. Things will go wrong and there will be unplanned bathroom breaks. Just go with the flow and don’t put too much pressure on yourself or the family to stick with a strict timeline.

Two little campers – Kam’Bati River Resort

#2 Game plan

Talk your kids through the trip. They will be much more secure and cooperative if they know exactly what’s coming next. Most importantly – make it fun! Teach them travel games like ‘I spy with my little eye’.

Picture shot on location: Country Paradise House, Swellendam

#3 Entertainment and snacks

Pack one bag of toys that you know keeps the little ones busy so they have something to play with in the car or on the plane. Tablets are great to stream some of their favorite shows, educational episodes or movies but try to keep a balance by also letting them enjoy the view and the journey.

Make sure to pack snacks for young and old as we all get grumpy if we are hungry. Keep it healthy and remember the beverages to keep them hydrated.

Shot on location – AfriCamps at Kam’Bati River Resort

#4 Do your homework

Be sure to book accommodation that is child friendly and has activities that tickles their interest. Some resorts like Kam’Bati has a children’s entertainer and holiday programs that is perfect for the little ones and to give parents some much needed time off to recharge.

AfriCamps at Kam’Bati offer guests the camping experience with all the luxuries of home and children are encouraged to do a scavenger hunt on the river trail with parents. Once they have finished the hunt, they return their bag of found treasures to reception and get a free round of putt-putt as reward!

Other activities at the resort includes water slides, swimming pools, canoe, fishing (catch and release) and a chance to experience farm life on the banks of the Breede River.

Uitkyk and Diamant Farmhouses also gives families access to these activities at Kam’Bati River Resort.

Picture shot on location: Country Paradise House, Swellendam

#5 Just in case

Pack your basic medical aid kit for the kids. You never know what could happen and might need a cartoon plaster to fix.

Wet wipes are standard for fixing most messes, spills and other thrills. Try and buy the biodegradable type that are more gentle on the environment.

Extra set of clothes are also a must as you can’t always predict the weather at your destination or on the trip. It can also happen that a muddy puddle gets explored while on a bathroom break. Pack for all these worst case scenarios so that you don’t have to get upset over dirty children.

Picture shot on location: Country Paradise House, Swellendam

Most of all, have fun. Make memories and take lots of pictures! There is nothing more precious than spending time with family.

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